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Week Beginning 11th April

It's back to school this week after a nice, long and refreshing Easter holiday.  I am sure the children will have lots to tell us about what they have been up to!


This week our theme is 'Under The Sea' and we will be learning all about the many fantastic creatures that live in the ocean.  There are so many to choose from!


Have you ever used a snorkel and goggles to look underneath the water?  Maybe you have been crabbing or found other sea creatures in rock pools on your holidays.


Have you got any ideas for the role play area this week?  If you have then remember to tell Mr Robinson.


In Letters and Sounds we will be practising using our robot arms for blending CVCC words such as best, tent, went, lump and bank.  

*Parent tip for reading CVCC words - show the word to your child such as tent.  Cover the last consonant and ask them to sound out and blend what they can see (ten).  Then repeat but reveal the final consonant (t).


Please try and remember to bring your library book to school on Wednesday so that Mrs Sweeting can change it for a new one.  Some children haven't changed their book for a long time and Mr Robinson has put some lovely new books in the box for you to borrow.
