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In accordance with School Admissions Code 2021, St Mary & St Margaret's CE (Voluntary Aided) Primary School is required to consult on its arrangements at least every seven years or where changes to the arrangement are proposed.


Our draft Admissions Policies for the academic year 2027-2028 are available to view below and a copy is available from the school office.


Please continue to attend church and have your mark recorded during the consultation period


Comments are welcome on any aspect of our admission arrangements and can be sent to Mrs M Hipkiss at or directly to the school in a sealed envelope marked Consultation on Admissions Arrangements, for the attention of Mrs M Hipkiss, Clerk to Governors.


Nursery admissions are processed by the School.


Spaces are allocated using the Admissions Policy. 


Children eligible to start in the Autumn term are given priority for Nursey spaces. Applications need to be submitted by December of the previous year. Application received after December will be accepted but will be prioritised using the grading system as late.


We accept in year applications for Nursery, if we have space available


If your child is 3 during the Autumn term, you can  make an in year application to start the Spring term, this needs to be submitted before the end of October.  Spaces will be offered using the Admissions Policy.


If you child is 3 during the Spring term, you can make an in year application to start the Summer term, this needs to be submitted before the End of February. Spaces will be offered using the Admissions Policy.


If your child is allocated a space 'in year' this does not guarantee their admission to stay in Nursery for the following academic year, their application will need to be submitted again using the Admission Policy.


Reception to Year 6 admissions will be by the local authority using the Admissions Policy.
