Please see our COVID-specific policies in the policies section of our website.
Aside from the pandemic, there may be occasions when, for one reason or another, school has to be closed to some or all pupils (e.g. in the event of extreme weather, boiler failure or damage to the school building making it unsafe).
During such closures, teachers will make contact with families (usually via Class Dojo) to let them know what remote learning is planned for each day.
Snow Days - should there be a 'snow day' where school has to close due to the weather, home learning activities are likely to include some 'snow-related' activity. This is in line with our SMILE mental health approach, where we look for opportunities for children to experience the wonder of creation and to enjoy the excitement that playing outside or observing and noticing natural phenomena can bring. Activities might include building snow creations, producing artwork based around what the children can see, producing poetry or descriptions of the snow etc. Children may also be encouraged to use some of our online learning subscriptions such as Mathletics, Reading Eggspress, Reading Eggs, Times Tables Rock Stars etc.
Longer-term disruption - where closures last longer than one or two days, teachers plan further opportunities to ensure the disruption to children's learning is minimised. This learning is likely to include teaching videos such as those linked to our White Rose Mathematics scheme. Communication will again initially be through Class Dojo - e.g. tasks and worksheets may be sent and parents and children will be encouraged to send completed work to teachers via Class Dojo. Online lessons using Microsoft Teams may be set up for those children able to access them - however, school understands that this is not always possible (e.g. where parents are having to work from home and need to use laptops etc. for their own work).