Home Page

Year 1


Welcome to Year 1. We are an enthusiastic class who shine our light each day by being the best we can be. There are always lots of exciting things happening in Year 1 and we love learning. 

Below is some general information about Year 1. 😊


PE days: Tuesday and Friday – children will wear their PE uniform to school on this day


Spelling Tests: Thursday 


Reading Records: staff will check these in Fridays. They should be filled in and signed by and adult at least three times a week. 


Homework: We do not set homework but there is an expectation across the school that children will read at home at least 3 times a week. This is really important and we will check this weekly. 




Teacher’s email address:  


Don't forget to check out Class Dojo to keep up to date with events in Year 1 and we will share our achievements on here too. There will be lots of photos to enjoy and useful updates and information. 


Please don't hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo over any query or concern (no matter how small!) or see me in person at the end of the day :)















Year 1 Curriculum Map
