We have already completed two fantastic terms in Year 6 and we're now looking forward to a busy but brilliant final term.
Our topic for the Summer term is 'Shakespeare's World.' We will spend time finding out about the world the great Bard himself lived in.
Remember SATs week is the week commencing the 9th of May. With Reading taking place on the Monday. Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar on the Tuesday and Maths on Wednesday and Thursday.
Please check this page regularly as it will be used to give regular updates and share some of the things we are doing at school. I will also post spellings, photographs and other useful documents.
Mrs Miles
The Year 6 'Meet the Teacher' PowerPoint presentation can be found below.
As I'm sure you are aware SATs begin tomorrow. The children have worked incredibly hard and I know they will all do their very best this week.
Remember Year 6 children can come into school from 8:30am to have squash and toast with their friends.