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Welcome to the PTA section!

You automatically become a member of the PTA when your child attends St Mary & St Margaret's School.

The PTA aims to supplement the school budget by providing funds to buy those extras to facilitate a full and enjoyable education for the children.  Throughout the year many social and fund raising events are held which we ask you to support.  These are always very enjoyable occasions and many of the activities are for parents and children.

The PTA also organises and provides refreshments for parents after the weekly clergy, Celebration and Eucharist assemblies.  This encourages the Christian family feel of the school.

We are fortunate to have many committee members who are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting held early in the Autumn Term.  Help for any of the PTA events is warmly welcomed.


For more information about our PTA please contact our friendly chairperson, Mrs Lisa Freeman: 


Mrs Crawley and Mrs Clarke are also members of our PTA and are always happy to help. 
