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Year 1


Below is some general information about Year 1. 😊


PE days: Monday/Friday – children will wear their PE uniform to school on this day




Teacher’s email address:  


Please sign up to Class Dojo where Mrs Azeem will send out updates and important information throughout the year

(this is easiest through the app)

Please ask if you have not received the email invitation. 😊 You can also message me on Class Dojo.



School Twitter: @stmandmyear1


Reading Records are to be used to record books read and any notes you may want to pass onto the class teacher - (these will be checked daily.) 


It is important to record when your child reads at home. Please ensure your child can answer questions about the story and can fully understand it. We would rather children have in depth knowledge of how to understand stories, talking about the characters etc, as well as knowing how to read the words. When you read with your child please date, sign and feel free to write a short comment if you would like. 

Any letters or notes from the class teacher will be put in the planner. It is therefore important that your child’s planner is brought back into school every day. 😊



Homework: We do not set homework but there is an expectation across the school that children will read at home at least 4 times a week. This is really important and we will check this weekly.😊 



Please don't hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo over any query or concern (no matter how small!) or see me in person at the end of the day :)


Mrs Azeem








Year 1 Curriculum Map
