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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Year 4 are studying 'Bright Sparks' this term! We will be learning all about the discovery of electricity, thinking about how we can conserve energy and what life was like without mains electricity. There are lots of exciting trips and visits to look forward to too!


In English, we are studying a book about a circus - prepare to be amazed by our circus skills very soon! 


Please note: This term, PE will take place twice a week (swimming will continue for one group but not the whole class), please bring indoor and outdoor PE kit on both Monday and Thursday.

Diary Dates

Class PE lessons
Mondays and Thursdays - PE Kits must be in school 

​Given out on a Friday due in the following Wednesday (unless otherwise labelled)

Spellings will be given each week to all children on a Monday and will be tested on a Friday.


Kingswood Residential Visit

Kingswood Presentation

Year 4 Brass presentation 10.12.14

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This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

Year 4 Brass presentation 10.12.14

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This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.
